1797 - Lajmi_single | Autoriteti Kosovar i Konkurrences

EU support to the Kosovo Competition Authority and the State Aid Commission


We would like to inform you that in the framework of the Project "EU Support to the Kosovo Competition Authority and the State Aid Commission", on 09 July 2019, at the Sirius Hotel from 09:00 to 11:30, a half-day workshop will be held for launched the activity within the project called "Regulatory Impact Assessment on Competition".

The activity in question aims to raise awareness among institutional actors about the implications in the field of competition of the regulatory sphere in key sectors of the economy. Institutional actors such as the Assembly, line Ministries or even sectoral regulators will be notified of the potential competition implications of policies drafted by these institutions, which relate to the regulation of economic sectors.

In this case, we will launch the so-called "Competition Assessment Instrument" according to the OECD, which is a practical instrument in the hands of decision-makers to measure the impact of policies in the field of competition.

The media are welcome to cover the event

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