1924 - Lajmi_single | Autoriteti Kosovar i Konkurrences

February Training Program for Kosovo Competition Authority Completes

Four different training sessions on competition policy have been held with officials of the Kosovo Competition Authority, as part of the February Training Program organized by the Project EU Support to the Kosovo Competition Authority and the State Aid Commission.

Experts Elonas Satas, Daniel Colgan, and Pajtim Melani elaborated on a weekly basis on important competition topics, while the Project Team Leader, Dr. Eugene Stuart, delivered a presentation together with them in the first training session.

That session was held on 2 February, focusing on the prohibited agreements topic. Various case studies reflecting on the experiences of European Union countries on prohibited agreements were expounded.

In the second training session held on 9 February, experts elaborated on dominant positions and abuse of this position. The control of concentrations was discussed in the third session held on 16 February, while in the last session, on 23 February, experts elaborated on ensuring competition in regulated sectors.


These training sessions were highly interactive and a wide range of questions and interesting dilemmas were raised for discussion.


Due to the situation created by the Covid-19 pandemic, all trainings were held virtually via the Zoom platform.

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