2020 - 2023
Autoriteti Kosovar i Konkurrencës
The Authority is a legal person having public authority, independent in performing its duties set out in the basic Law. The Authority for its work reports to the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.
We fight cartels and interfere against private and public undertakings that abuse their dominant position in the market.
This law applies for all forms of prevention, limitation or abuse of the competition by the enterprises on the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, or outside the territory of Kosovo, if those actions have impacts in Kosovo.
The Competition Authority of the Republic of Kosovo held on Monday, January 29, 2024, the last meeting of the Steering Commi…
The European Union convened a Roundtable to discuss the progress in Competition policy and State Aid regulation in Kosovo an…
The Competition Authority has signed an Agreement of Understanding and Cooperation with the Procuring Authority on Thursday,…
Media release! The Competition Authority of the Republic of Kosovo announces the opinion that based on the legislation in f…
The Competition Authority held a one-day seminar "Competition Law and Policy for the Kosovo Business Community" on…
Kosovo is participating in the Global Forum on Competition hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developm…
The Chairperson of the Commission of the Competition Authority Neime Binaku-Isufi is participating in the international conf…
The Chairperson of the Commission of the Competition Authority Neime Binaku-Isufi was part of the conference "Future Ch…
Competition Authority of the Republic of Kosovo, represented by Mr. Shemsi Elezi Director of Market Surveillance Department …
A new cooperation has been established between the Competition Authority of the Republic of Kosovo and the Academy…
Autoriteti i Konkurrencës i Republikës së Kosovës, pas takimit me Ministrinë e Arsimit, Shkencë…
Four different training sessions on competition policy have been held with officials of the Kosovo Competition Authority, as…
The year we are leaving behind has been one of the most challenging years for all of us due to the spread of the COVID-19 pa…
Three training modules focused on the effective implementation of the Law on Protection of Competition were held during Nove…
November 19, 2020 The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority, Valon Prestreshi, and the General Director, Sakip Imer…
Competition Authority officials are participating in a three-day workshop in Gjakova to continue work on drafting a new Law …
On October 16, the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo approved the work report of the Kosovo Competition Authority for 2019.…
Meeting with representatives of private laboratories Officials of the Kosovo Competition Authority have held a meeting with …
Officials of the Kosovo Competition Authority, chaired by Commissioner Fatime Haziri, met on September 30 with representativ…
The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority, Valon Prestreshi, met on Monday with the Acting Chairman of the Board of …
One of the main commitments of the Kosovo Competition Authority in recent weeks has been to monitor the conduct of laborator…
On August 25, officials from the Kosovo Competition Authority, together with officials from line ministries, met to continue…
The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority, Valon Prestreshi, met with the Minister of Health, Armend Zemaj, to discu…
The Kosovo Competition Authority publishes decisions on the NAFTA case. Decisions can be found in the link "Decisions&q…
Press Release The Kosovo Competition Authority has decided to impose fines in the total amount of € 4,040,450.78…
PRESS RELEASE The Kosovo Competition Authority, as an independent institution in the performance of its duties, is obliged …
Rekomandim për Qeverinë e Republikës së Kosovës ndaj vendimit 05/21.pdf
COVID-19 - Press Release The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority, Valon Prestreshi, on Thursday held a pres…
Press Release The Kosovo Competition Authority and the Kosovo Police sign a memorandum of understanding for DOWNRAIDS Com…
The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority, Valon Prestreshi, received on Monday in a meeting the representatives of …
KCA Approves the Strategy for the years 2020-2023 The Kosovo Competition Authority, KCA, adopted on December 27 the Strateg…
The Commission of the Kosovo Competition Authority (KCA) approved on December 27 the Strategy for the years 2020-2023, which…
End-of-Year Address by the President: AKK Concludes 2019 with Success in Several Areas Dear colleagues, associates and citi…
The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority, Valon Prestreshi, held a press conference on Friday, where he revealed th…
1. The Commission of KCA has reviewed and approved two professional opinions on 19 November as part of a commitment to preve…
The Commission of KCA adopted on 14 November two regulations that will serve to regulate certain categories of agreements, w…
Today, the Kosovo Competition Authority upheld the verdict by the court of appeal, which ruled that KCA's decision as la…
Today, in the third meeting of the Stabilization and Association Committee in Brussels, we discussed with our partners (the …
2nd Meeting of Research Talks on Competition and State Aid Issues in the CEFTA Region, 24-25 September 2019, Belgrade. The …
The Kosovo Competition Authority considers that the Central Banks request to increase the price of TPLs to 36.56% unilateral…
Today, formally in the offices of the Kosovo Competition Authority together with Commissioner Ms. Fatime Haziri, I met the D…
Today, on August 2, 2019, after the completion of the selection procedures by the Selection Committee, with the recommendati…
Today with the mayor of Peja Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri, we agreed to hold a large public meeting with companies operating in the…
Dear, We would like to inform you that in the framework of the Project "EU Support to the Kosovo Competition Authority…
Nataliya APOSTOLOVA – Head of European Union Office in Kosovo / EU Special Representative and the Deputy Prime Ministe…
The Competition Authority was contacted by the Ministry of Health to be notified on the Draft AI on the PRICING OF PRICES OF…
In the framework of promoting competition policy, the President of KCA, Mr. Prestreshi has been quite active with lectures o…
Dear citizens The Kosovo Competition Authority, as an independent institution, has made a successful progress during 2018. …
Press Release The KCA commission decided to recommend them I. The Chamber of Advocates, to repeal the Decision No. 579/201…
KCA prevents the increase of cement price. KCA investigative inspectors on Monday monitored the cement market, after prelim…
Press release Today, on 18.01.2019, the Commission of the Kosovo Competition Authority held a regular meeting, among which …
Today, we held a joint meeting with UD. Ambassador of the EU Office in Prishtina Mr. Riccardo SERRI, with whom we talked abo…
The Albanian Competition Authority and the Kosovo Competition Authority will organize a seminar on "Competition for the…
Press release, Today, in the meeting held by the Commission of the Kosovo Competition Authority, in which meeting it was de…
Press, The Commission of the Kosovo Competition Authority in its meeting of 15.08.2018 took the Decision to allow the reali…
The President of the Kosovo Competition Authority (KCA) Valon Prestreshi, today met with the President of the Kosovo Chamber…
Press, Today at the meeting of the Commission of the Kosovo Competition Authority it was decided to: 1. LICENSE, Concentra…
The Kosovo Competition Authority, based on Article 13, 15, 19 of the Law on Protection of Competition no. 03 / L-229 dated 0…
Press Release, Today, on the regular meeting of the Kosovo Competition Authority Commisioni, was decided to allow the conce…
Press releases Kosovo Competition Authority ex officio based on the information it possesses and suspicions of prohibited a…
Valon Prestreshi, The president of Kosovo Competition Authority said that Progress Report 2018 for Kosovo published by the E…
Kosovo Competition Authority and Turkish Competition Authority, held a joint inter-institutional meeting on various issues t…
The Kosovo Competition Authority, based on Article 13, 15, 19 of the Law on Protection of Competition no. 03 / L-229 dated 0…
Press release, Today in the regular meeting of the Commission of the Kosovo Competition Authority a decision was made for t…